The Greenacre story...

Established in 2005 as "Fraser Lodge" and changing name in 2008. Greenacre Kennels is owned and operated by Robyn Evans with the help of her partner Glenn and daughters Zara and Abigail. Having successfully bred, shown and trained dogs for the past 30 years, Robyn has extensive hands on experience in caring for dogs.

Beginning as a child with her parents Welsh Corgis, helping with their maintenance, show preparation and breeding. Robyn titled many Champions including the multi Best In Show winning Grand Champion Siancof Royal Domino. "Beau" is pictured left with Robyn winning Best in Show at Perth Royal Show in 1992

For the past 27 years Robyn has been breeding, showing and trialling her "breed of choice", the Border Collie with great success. Thus far "Winpara" Border Collies boast twenty seven homebred breed champions, one Quad Champion, one Triple Champion, two Dual Champions, two Agility Champions and two Tracking Champions with many others achieving titles in many other dog sports.

Greenacre Kennels is also home to fifteen Border Collies including our latest BIG winner "Zac" CH Winpara Welcome To The Jungle (AI) - pictured right - And the "ring ins"  Trehilyn Timeless "Tawny" (Pembroke Corgi), CH Winpara GP Its Only Money (AI) "Juno" (German Pinschers) and "FluffnStuff" (Small White Fluffy Dog) aka "Danny".  

Greenacre Kennels is a small hands on operation, we take up to a maximum of 20 boarding dogs.

Robyn is a member of the DogsWest, an ANKC registered breeder of Border Collies and is licensed to judge Group 5 (Working) and 6 (Utility) at Championship Shows.